Use smart power strips to save energy for your home
Posted by Admin | 08 Dec
Installing smart power strips (or advanced power strips) in your home is a quick and easy way to start saving money while making your home more energy efficient. You may ask yourself, "Why bother with the power strip when I have turned off the electronic device?"
The answer is simple: vampire load; no, this is not some invisible villain, come in and turn on your electronic device when you are not paying attention. Even if your device is in sleep mode, the vampire load will continue to consume energy. Take your smart TV, laptop, and cable box as examples. All these devices consume energy when they are turned off.
It is very easy to install the power strip into your home office or entertainment center, just make sure you are looking for a smart power strip! Traditional power boards hold many different devices and use only one socket, but remember that if the devices are plugged into a power source, they will continue to use energy. Smart switchboards can actually cut off power and save energy because they can detect when the device is in standby mode.