Here are some things you can do to ensure the safety of your home and family.
Do not use power strips or surge protectors for high-power equipment, such as space heaters, dehumidifiers, or other high-capacity equipment. Plug them directly into the wall socket.

Do not connect multiple power strips together to increase the number of available sockets. However, you can temporarily plug the extension cord into the power strip.
If you use power strips or extension cords in many places in your home, consider hiring an electrician to install more outlets. This is a safer and permanent solution because the wires on your wall are of higher quality. Multiple extension cords have always been my father's darling when he was an electrician.
Never use power strips or extension cords on bathroom or kitchen countertops.
Do the math. Try to determine what the power board can handle by looking at the specifications on the package. The most important number is watts. The higher the number, the better. Add the wattage used by the devices you plug in. This number should not exceed the total number of watts specified on the package. If you buy a surge protector, also check the suppression voltage rating. A lower number will provide better surge protection. If you don’t like mathematics like me, please talk to someone in the store who knows mathematics.
Don't just look at the price. Make sure that you are buying a product that suits your family's needs and is certified. Do not try to prevent the danger of tripping and falling by covering the rope with a carpet. Stepping on them repeatedly can cause the wires to break, which can cause a fire.
Here are some ways to prevent or judge whether your power board is overloaded.
Surge protectors are great because they provide multiple outlets. However, depending on what you insert, not everyone should use it. Most of the things we plug in (such as phones, computers, or game consoles) don't consume much power. Items found in your kitchen, such as a toaster, crock or frying pan, consume more power and may cause problems.
If the power strip or surge protector feels hot, this is a good sign that you have plugged in too much. Watch out for burn marks or molten plastic.